Janet Signs Employer Sanction Bill

02 Jul

Further proof that neither party can be trusted to deal with immigration in a comprehensive manner

Gov. Janet Napolitano signed a bill Monday which experts say will create the toughest sanctions in the county for companies that “knowingly” hire illegal immigrants, breaking from some political allies in the business community who have opposed the measure.

In a statement Napolitano said, “Immigration is a federal responsibility, but I signed HB 2779 because it is now abundantly clear that Congress finds itself incapable of coping with the comprehensive immigration reforms our country needs.


This sets us further down a dangerous path of immigration becoming a state-enforced issue instead of the traditionally national way of going about it. Of course, this is also a calculated political move – she is afraid of the hardliners who are out for blood.

Meanwhile some of the hardest working people in this country’s borders will be shat upon. Again. This action is vile without any corresponding action to help set laborers on a pathway to legalized status. It’s only going to increase the volatility of an already volatile situation.

Brace yourselves, Arizona. Things are going to get ugly.


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