Category Archives: Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-08)

Schedule of Services in Tucson

Tonight at 7pm Bishop Kicanas will be leading a “Mass for the Healing of Our Community, Remembrance of Those Who Have Died, and for the Consolation of All Victims and Their Families” at St. Odilia’s on the northside.

Wednesday, January 12th at Noon on the Mall at the University of Arizona – several University Ministries will host a multi-faith memorial/healing service for the University Community. All are invited to pray and offer support.

The President, First Lady, DHS Secretary, Supreme Court Justice Kennedy & other dignitaries will be leading a memorial service “Together We Thrive: Tucson & America” at McKale Center on Wednesday, January 12th. Doors open at 4pm.

Via Explorer News:

During the rest of this week, there are multiple events that are occurring throughout Pima County. All the local agencies are working in conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and U. S. Marshals to ensure that the events are secure for the families and members of the community to come together to mourn the loss of those who lost their lives in this tragedy.

The following is a timeline of the events:

• January 11: Mass at 7 p.m. at St. Odillia

• January 12: Rosary for Christina Green from 5 to 7 p.m. at St. Odillia

• January 13: Funeral for Christina Green at 1 p.m. at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

• January 13: Rosary for John M. Roll from 5 to 7 p.m. at St. Thomas

• January 14: Funeral for John M. Roll at 10 a.m. at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

• January 14: Burial for John M. Roll to follow the funeral at Holy Hope Cemetery (Private)

Members of the public who attend the events should be aware that parking is limited at all locations. People are encouraged to carpool or make arrangements to limit the number of cars at each location.

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Posted by on January 12, 2011 in Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-08), Tucson


Obama’s State-Level Effect in AZ

While the polls for the presidential contest have been tightening in recent weeks between Senators Obama and McCain in Arizona, the effect of the Democrats’ ability to register, empower and organize voters will be felt more powerfully on the state level.

Tonight, we have an opportunity to flip the state House of Representatives to the Democrats by netting four seats. The sea change that will represent cannot be overstated. Governor Napolitano has been the only firewall for the past few years against a far-right, nativist led GOP caucus in both chambers of the state legislature. These are the jokers that have repeatedly put up anti-migrant and anti-latino initiatives up for vote; the same crazies who want guns in bars, restaurants and school campuses. If the Democrats get their vote out today, the era of Russell Pearce-dominated politics under the capital dome will be at an end.

On the federal level, 2006 brought an even parity of Democrats and Republicans to the congressional delegation with Harry Mitchell and Gabrielle Giffords earning seats to represent Arizona. Ann Kirpatrick will almost undoubtedly become the newest face to the scene in CD01. She’s run a fantastic campaign and probably worn out several pairs of walking shoes from all the visits she’s made around the huge district (it’s bigger than the state of Illinois); and if a tsunami strikes the GOP tonight, we can also say hello to Congressmen Bob Lord in CD03 – we’ll see what happens.

Ballot initiatives will be a mixed bag. I fully expect the anti-migrant proposition 202 to pass as it gives nativists and haters a chance to take out their agression since the issue has been largely absent from the national dialog. The “Bigotry with a Smile” proposition 102 that will amend the state constitution to define marriage between a man and woman only is hopefully going down to defeat (again!), but have to admit that the Yes people have been very visible with signs and commercials this cycle. As I said before, if there is a progressive wave from all the work the Obama campaign has done in the past few months, we’ll see it in ballot lines like these.

Polls are open until 7PM local time (9pm Eastern).
Don’t forget your ID.

Acceptable forms of identification with photograph, name, and address of the elector

  • Valid Arizona driver license
  • Valid Arizona nonoperating identification license
  • Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification
  • Valid United States federal, state, or local government issued identification

An identification is “valid” unless it can be determined on its face that it has expired.

Acceptable forms of identification without a photograph that bear the name and address of the elector (two required)

  • Utility bill of the elector that is dated within ninety days of the date of the election. A utility bill may be for electric, gas, water, solid waste, sewer, telephone, cellular phone, or cable television
  • Bank or credit union statement that is dated within ninety days of the date of the election
  • Valid Arizona Vehicle Registration
  • Indian census card
  • Property tax statement of the elector’s residence
  • Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification
  • Recorder’s Certificate
  • Valid United States federal, state, or local government issued identification, including a voter registration card issued by the county recorder

An identification is “valid” unless it can be determined on its face that it has expired.


Giffords Takes Aim at E-Verify System

While Sheriff Joe Arpaio rounds up criminals lifeguards in Maricopa County, Congress is debating the effectiveness of the E-Verify system that is required under Arizona’s Employer Sanction Law.

Washington — The nation’s top immigration official on Tuesday defended a federal system — known as E-Verify — that allows businesses to check the legal status of workers.

“E-Verify is the best available tool for employers to gain quick and easy verification information for their new hires,” said Jonathan Scharfen, acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Scharfen testified before the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security and International Law amid concern the system could reject legal citizens.

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-08), who sits on the Subcommittee, had this to say during the proceedings:

Some of the businesses that have signed up have reported a variety of challenges with using E-Verify. They are finding it complicated, unreliable, and burdensome. They are also having difficulty getting answers from DHS to their questions about the system.

I have heard from employers, employees and civil rights advocates who are very vocal that nationally mandating E-Verify AS-IS for ALL employees would be disastrous.

They are all experiencing the downfalls of using an inaccurate database with inadequate privacy protections. Between October 2006 and March 2007, roughly 3,000 foreign-born U.S. citizens were initially flagged as not-work-authorized. These errors have specifically impacted Arizona workers who have had their ability to work wrongly impacted.

The experience of Arizona employers and employees makes it clear that we can do better and that action is needed.

Having reflected on what is happening in Arizona and the challenges we have seen, I think we need a system that includes these three key elements:

  1. Explicitly pre-emption of state laws such as the one in Arizona;
  2. Privacy protections for U.S. citizens and legal workers;
  3. Liability protections for employers who play by the rules; and

That is why I am a cosponsor of legislation introduced by Ranking Member Sam Johnson. H.R. 5515, the New Employee Verification Act, or NEVA provides a simplified, effective and balanced alternative to E-Verify.

Oversight Testimony Transcript

Johnson, a Republican from Plano, Texas, is ranking member of the House Ways and Means Committee’s subcommittee overseeing Social Security. He and Giffords’ bill would transfer the verification of employment process from E-Verify to the Social Security Administration. It would effectively cut out the Department of Homeland Security unless a worker is flagged in the process.

As it stands currently, DHS is monitoring every single worker that is entered into their online database, regardless of status. It’ll be interesting to see if such a big change in policy can make its way through the Hill in an election year.

Más información:


Grijalva Should Apologize For Nothing

My ears perked up when I read this over at Arizona Congress Watch

Until now, members have not revealed earmark requests, usually waiting until funding was approved to disclose “winning” projects. Before the July 4 recess, Grijalva told Giffords and other Arizona colleagues that he had no plans to change that.

But on July 5, Grijalva released his complete list. On his Web site, he posted a list of 42 projects for which he is seeking $327 million.

Giffords immediately was asked for her list, and she demurred. After a spate of negative newspaper articles and accusations of secrecy, she posted her list on her Web site a week later. The impression was that she was forced to do something she didn’t want to do.

Grijalva said he made a mistake. He didn’t intend to release his earmark requests, but was repeatedly asked about them during meetings around his district. So “I changed my mind,” he said this week.

Grijalva said Giffords told him she wished she had known he was going to release his list. “I apologized to her,” Grijalva said. “I accept that. I got criticism from all my Democratic colleagues.”


Why is Raúl apologizing to a novice on the Hill for something that, I’m sure, has widespread support among the people? Earmarks, while sometimes ridiculous, can be extremely beneficial methods of support that remind districts that the federal government is still concerned with the machinations of local communities. But, really, that’s beside the point. Here’s the real one:

Taxpayers fund the government.

I know that’s a shocking revelation. I’ll give you a few seconds to allow you to catch your breath (especially if any Congressional staffers happen to stumble into this online cantina). Bottom line is: It is our right to know how the government spends or wastes the revenue that is collected from our pockets everyday.

I find it highly amusing that Grijalva, who decided to release his list of earmarks after speaking to constituents, took flak from within his own Majority party for forcing their hand on transparency. It is one of those rare moments of public nudity where the populace can gawk in horror at the exposure of the entire political system that flaunts itself on the stage due to the pimping efforts of the Corporate Bosses.

Republicans and Democrats look the same when they’re in the buff, that’s why legislation to make the system more transparent and therefore, accountable to public scrutiny, have been thwarted or slowed-down since the mantle of power (supposedly) switched hands last November.

Gabrielle Giffords has only been a Congresswoman for a few months – it’s unsettling that she is learning the ropes that would better serve this country if they were bisected with a machete. She should be gladly receiving advice from Raúl, not apologies.


They needed a helicopter?

I’m surprised they didn’t gas him too.

Across town at Coronado Crossing, Manuel, an electrician from Douglas who declined to give his last name, was installing wiring at a new home when three Border Patrol agents, three ICE officers and a man in civilian clothing pulled up in unmarked vehicles.

The officers were armed and accompanied by dogs, Manuel said, and one Border Patrol agent wore a mask. A helicopter circled overhead.

Manuel and a companion were asked to show ID, and when they checked out, the officers left.

linkage (all emphasis mine. hat tip to AZ Congress Watch)

In case you haven’t noticed, the Human Hunting Season has opened for business. The latest gestapo Border Patrol raid happened in Cochise County, here in southern Arizona.

Thankfully, though, the Democrats took control of that Congressional seat last November so we can count on the full support of CD08’s Representative to denounce these tactics that divide families.

In Washington, U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords applauded the raids in Sierra Vista while reiterating her call for comprehensive immigration reform.

Randy? Is that you?


AZ-05 and AZ-08 Bloggers Needed

The power is shifting in Washington, D.C. this week, brought about by what amounted to a tsunami of discontent with the status quo. As part of the netroots’ effort to hold our newly-elected Democratic officials accountable to their constituents, a new blogger initiative was formed – The Progressive Wave – but we need your help!

All Freshmen Democratic House Members and Senators have their own sub-site under the Progressive Wave, which aggregates at the main page listed above. Consider this a major clearinghouse of local news provided by local voices.

As of today, January 4, 2007, I am the only blogger listed to cover newly-elected House Members Harry Mitchell (AZ-05) and Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-08). Change that by signing up and helping out!

You can do it a couple of ways:

  • Send me an email at man.eegee (at) gmail (dot) com, or
  • Leave a comment on this post with your email address

If you’re not from Arizona, there are plenty of other representatives and Senators across the country that need local activists to cover their beat.

Help us build this newly-formed, true-blue, Progressive Wave!

[/semi-corny commercial]

Crossposted at AZNetroots