Category Archives: nativist watch

Sites Covering Jon Justice’s Sexual Escapades

The list of sites calling out Jon Justice’s racist and sexist behavior on 104.1 “The Truth” is growing everyday.

And for good reason – while I picked up on this story last week in a mocking fashion, the reality is that Jon Justice’s webisodes crossed so many lines that it speakes volumes that 104.1 “The Truth” (not) hasn’t fired him yet while he was canned from a previous gig for simulating a dog drowning.

Yes. Pretending to kill a dog on air was enough to get him fired at another radio station, while Justice’s perverted video stunts with the Isabel Garcia piñata/pseudo blow-up doll has yet to motivate the corporate powers that be at the Journal Broadcast Group to remove him from the airwaves like a dusty fart in a closed room.

This is not about Isabel Garcia’s work, which everyone on this earth knows Justice loathes. The second 104.1 “The Truth” allowed him to assert his male dominance over her effigy in a sexualized manner, doing so with hateful intentions, he reprised his role as a simulator of violence, this time summoning shadows of rape and molestation.

“Oh, it was just a piñata. You’re overreacting.”

That argument doesn’t hold a candle to justice for Justice, because this entire situation has come about due to his wailing and gnashing of teeth at the audacity of protesters handling a piñata in the way they are designed. As 104.1 The Truth’s Jon Justice said in his own words:

I dont know about you, but when I see children beating up on the likeness of a human being, and then another person like isabel garcia … picking up the head of that likeness of a person … and then parading that around I would take that as a threat of physical violence

—Jon Justice

Given those incriminating observations, Justice shouldn’t be too surprised that he is receiving the growing backlash that he deserves.

On top of the misogynistic routine he broadcast to the world on the internet, he weaved the sexual violation of the Isabel Garcia piñata with the all-too-familiar racism that those of us who have brown skin have seen grow bold in recent years. No longer is it lurking in shadowy meetings in hushed voices, now it’s laid bare on teevee, radio, the web, anywhere that a nativist can gain access.

It’s another form of reasserting dominance. That Isabel Garcia is a woman, and a woman of color at that, made it too enticing for such a small human being like Jon Justice to bypass the bait. It wasn’t even one minute into his perverted video before he made it clear to his opponents that he was going to show her who was in charge.

Well…sorry 104.1 “The Truth”, Jon Justice (not his real name), and other nativist haters – there are legions of us who have had enough of your simulated phallic-waving. Your era is coming to an end each time you cross enough lines where a young or young-at-heart person realizes the rotting core of racism, sexism and xenophobia coming out of your antequated view of the world.

And to bring this back to the beginning of the circle that is both the past and future, think of all the children that you’re detaining and/or deporting parents – one day they will be old enough to vote and lead civically; and people like Isabel Garcia, me, and countless human rights activists will still be around to remind them who was leading and supporting the racist posse.


Guymon Daily Herald Reports Newspaper Racks Vandalized by Racists

As a followup to my recent post, Nativist Hatred in Goodwell, I thought I’d share with my readers an article that recently appeared in the Guymon Daily Herald, by staff writer Miranda Gilbert:

GDH newspaper racks vandalized

Photo caption: Here’s an example of the propaganda that can be seen on our own Guymon Daily Herald racks. Photo credit: Heather Avey

A group against illegal immigrants are now protesting – illegally.

Paper signs boasting racial slurs next to God’s name were found glued to newspaper racks this week, including the Guymon Daily Herald’s dispensers at Wal-Mart and Dizzy B’s.

The signs appear to be an advertisement, with the fine print reading “Paid for by the Citizen’s for Public Awareness” but no contract was signed for the $50 a week advertisement block.

“They have not paid us for that spot,” said GDH Circulation Manager Peggy Martinez, who has discovered the signs sporadically through the week. “It is a paid advertising spot, but no one from this group has contacted us.”

Law enforcement was notified of the vandalism and an investigation is under way at the Guymon Police Department.

“They’re worried about immigrants breaking the law, ‘illegals,’ but what they’re doing is illegal,” Martinez said.

The signs say, “Support ‘Operation Wetback’ Thou shall enter a country legally. Thou shall leave a country lawfully — God. Support removal of illegals Call Congress.”

Another sign listed the US code and section which states that harboring, abetting and employing illegal aliens is a crime and listed the phone number for Immigration Custom Enforcement (ICE).

Anyone with information may call CRIMESTOPPERS at 1-800-766-0146 or 338-1899. Callers can remain anonymous.

Whoever put these signs up were cowards, and yes, criminals. And since I am somewhat of a night owl, if I happen to see anyone trying to do this in the future, I’ll be immediately making a few phone calls.

Cross-posted from The Mahatma X Files


Nativist Hatred in Goodwell

As I was fixing to leave Goodwell this afternoon to run some errands in a neighboring town, I noticed the following two racist signs on adjacent dumpsters at College Corner, a local convenience store. Of course I didn’t have my camera handy at the time, so I waited until this evening to get a couple shots of the offending signs. The only identifying information I could find was on one that claimed it was paid for by some entity called “Citizens for Public Awareness.” A quick drive around town suggests that College Corner was the only location where these signs were posted. Given that store’s location – right across the street from the university campus – I’m guessing the perps were shooting for maximum visibility.

Similar signs have been found in Arizona, as witnessed by my friend Manny, and an ASU student who shot the following video:

I recall that Manny was hoping to research the group behind the signs, so perhaps he’ll chime in and offer some insight. From what I’ve been able to gather, this Citizens for Public Awareness organization doesn’t exactly have much presence on the internet. That said, what little info I’ve been able to dredge up suggests that its founder and president, Nancy Schaefer, has been known to make nativist statements in the past. So, assuming this is the same group, the signs are definitely in character.

I’ll likely be making a few phone calls Monday to see who has jurisdiction over dumpsters, and see what it’ll take to get the signs removed.

All that aside, there is something fittingly symbolic of racist garbage like the above signs glued to dumpsters.

For those requiring some context, here’s a little something on nativism.

Cross-posted from The Mahatma X Files.


Some Mid-Week Comic Relief


Nativist Movement
‘Vietnamese’ Anti-Immigration Group Really Isn’t

First, he denied it. Then he said it was his wife’s idea. Finally, white anti-immigration activist Tim Brummer admitted to using the false Vietnamese surname “Binh” in his capacity as spokesman for Vietnamese for Fair Immigration. In his defense, Brummer claimed that because he eats Vietnamese food and is half-Vietnamese “in my own mind,” he wasn’t really fibbing. In fact, he told a local reporter, he may even legally change his name to Binh.


Ya know, once upon a time, I was convinced ‘in my own mind’ that I was a vampire. That is, until my big plastic pumpkin was full of chocolate and I ditched the idea of blood for divine Hershey bliss.

What have you pretended to be in the past?

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Posted by on April 26, 2007 in immigration, nativist watch


U.S. Nativist Watch: Kris Kobach

It was no mistake that the immigration debate in this country took a hard turn to the right last year following the marches and rallies held in March and April by the families and supporters of human rights. The GOP-led Congress at the time responded by holding a series of sham “townhall meetings” in various cities, inviting vigilante group leaders and hardline-supporters of nativist sentiment. One of the biggest cogs in that wheel was/is Kris Kobach.

An apprentice of uber-nativist Samuel Huntington, Kobach enjoys prominent media attention as a voice of opposition to comprehensive immigration reform as well as a loyal agent to the neocon wing of BushCo in the War on Terror™. As I was working on this write-up, he appeared on MSNBC to support the reprehensible remarks by Pentagon official Charles Stimson to organize a boycott of law firms working pro bono for Guantanamo detainees.

A former counsel to Attorney General John Ashcroft, and 2004 GOP Candidate for Kansas’ 3rd Congressional District (he lost to Democrat Dennis Moore due to his extreme views), Kobach is now teaching Constitutional Law, Immigration Law, American Legal History and Legislation at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law.

The local independent paper in Kansas City, The Pitch, recently offered a lengthy write-up on the controversy being waged on Kobach’s campus – including the circulation of a one-page flier (.pdf file) outlining the biased professor’s views. Here are a couple of examples:

Kobach says he’d already been considering the basics of a program that would come to be known as the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System. NSEERS mandated that men from certain Arab and Muslim nations be photographed and fingerprinted when they arrived in the United States. Men from these countries who were already U.S. residents had to register. NSEERS also required that they be interviewed 30 days after they entered the country, that they notify the Immigration and Naturalization Service if they changed their address, and that they present themselves for an annual interview while they remained on American soil.

Racial Profiling – Check

The NSEERS program wasn’t Kobach’s only foray into federal policy. In 2002, he led a reform effort that reduced the number of judges who heard immigration appeals from 23 to 11. To keep up with the increasing number of cases, the smaller cadre of judges began issuing one-line opinions in response to complex legal decisions.

Working to further destroy the immigration process instead of beefing it up – Check

Now, two years after he went down to electoral defeat, Kobach has taken a central role with FAIR.

After 9/11, a Washington, D.C., lawyer named Mike Hethmon took over FAIR’s legal department. Ashcroft’s young immigration counsel caught Hethmon’s attention as a potential ally.

In the past two years, Hethmon and Kobach have become a legal team working to shift the federal immigration debate to states and cities. Hethmon is director and general counsel of FAIR’s Immigration Reform Law Institute; Kobach, a senior counsel on paid retainer, is second-in-command.

Ties to the white-supremacy network – Check

Since I’m sure this piece will probably attract the attention of some of FAIR’s supporters, or maybe even Kobach himself, let’s hear what the Southern Poverty Law Center has to say about the organization that the professor works diligently in support of:

(from a 2004 SPLC Intelligence Report)

  • FAIR worked closely with a hate group, the American Immigration Control Foundation (AICF), to pay signature-gatherers for the referendum. Together, they spent $305,500. Like Abernethy, aicf’s leader, John Vinson, is an adviser to the CCC, a group that has described blacks as a “retrograde species of humanity.” FAIR has not criticized Vinson in any way.
  • FAIR worked with aicf in another group, the Coalition for the Future of the American Worker (CFAW), that recently ran harsh anti-immigration ads in a Texas congressional race. Both the Republican and the Democratic campaigns in that race have denounced the ads as racially inflammatory and asked that television stations not run them. cfaw’s president is FAIR Executive Director Dan Stein.
  • FAIR’s Western Regional Coordinator, Rick Oltman, is a member of the CCC, according to that group’s own newspaper. Oltman shared the podium with Abernethy at a 1997 CCC conference.
  • In September 2002, FAIR’s Eastern Regional Coordinator, Jim Stadenraus, participated in a Long Island anti-immigration conference with Jared Taylor, a CCC board member and the founder and head of another hate group, the New Century Foundation.
  • FAIR’s Dan Stein is an editorial adviser to The Social Contract, a journal that is published by a hate group and has featured articles by Abernethy. The journal is edited by Wayne Lutton, another adviser to the CCC.
  • FAIR cites on its Web site a man named Fred Elbel, who is PAN’s webmaster and also heads the Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform — another group which Abernethy advises. Elbel is tied to FAIR founder John Tanton.

Like most nativists, Kris Kobach scoffs at being labeled racist – yet he is the architect of the surge of local level anti-immigrant and anti-Latino legislation that began in Hazelton, Pennsylvania.

In November, Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta told CBS’ 60 Minutes that the aim of the ordinance was simple: “I’m going to eliminate illegal aliens from the city of Hazleton.”

Kobach is helping him do it.

“We looked at the Hazleton ordinance and said, ‘Uh oh,'” Hethmon recalls. “The idea was great, the concept was absolutely valid, but it was clearly drafted by some average folks sitting around a table. So we brought the issue up with Kris immediately.”

Hethmon and Kobach quickly created a model ordinance. By the end of 2006, about 50 municipalities had passed or were considering similar legislation.

Kris Kobach is one of those dangerous propaganda organs who looks good on paper due to his Ivy League education – but his actions have led to the restriction of opportunity for countless families across the United States. Here is an excerpt from an opinion piece he wrote for the Heritage Foundation late last year in response to the comprehensive immigration bill in the Senate.

Furthermore, the DREAM Act makes it absurdly easy for just about any illegal alien—even one who does not qualify for the amnesty—to evade the law. According to Section 624(f), once an alien files an application—any application, no matter how ridic­ulous—the federal government is prohibited from deporting him. Moreover, with few exceptions, fed­eral officers are prohibited from either using infor­mation from the application to deport the alien or sharing that information with another federal agency, under threat of up to $10,000 fine.

Thus, an alien’s admission that he has violated federal immigration law cannot be used against him—even if he never had any chance of qualify­ing for the DREAM Act amnesty in the first place. The DREAM Act also makes illegal aliens eligible for various federal student loans and work-study programs.

You would think a professor would advocate for people to get an education instead of spending every waking moment denying it to the wrong type of person. It is this type of behavior that has led groups such as the The Hispanic Bar Association of Greater Kansas City, the MoKan chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association and the local Coalition of Hispanic Organizations to lobby the Dean of UMKC’s Law School to express their outrage at his dual role of anti-immigrant crusader and professor of Immigration Law.

Speaking during his 2004 Congressional Campaign, Kris Kobach had this to say “I think anyone who knows me knows that I’m pretty thick-skinned. And I certainly hope I have been humble.”

I dunno about you, but I don’t think he knows the true meaning of the word “humble”.