Monthly Archives: February 2009

Sean Hannity’s Conflicted Love for Revolution

Sean Hannity has a longstanding case of Montezuma’s Revenge of the Mouth. That’s no secret. It’s gotten even worse on his Fox hate show since he gave his sidekick Alan Colmes the kicked-to-the-side treatment. He’s winning premios, but not the good kind:

From Countdown with Keith Olbermann‘s February 26th Worst Person in the World Segment:

But our winner is Sean Hannity. Next time he or Bill-O talks about liberal hate speech on the web remind them about this. This is a poll posted late Monday night and remaining at last check in the forum section of Hannity‘s website. It asks his listeners what kind of revolution appeals most to you, military coup, armed rebellion or secession. To his credit, the poster is saying any form of revolution would be treason. He said he started the poll because there has been so much talk on Hannity‘s website supporting revolution or secession, a topic which one Hannity poster says produced 3,000 responses. There have been 22 votes, with armed rebellion comfortably in the lead, 11 to eight to three.

Pobre Sean, doesn’t he know that Ron Paul already has a lock on the RevoLution Loco caucus in the Republican Party? You know, the people who are actually talking about guerrilla warfare in the streets of EEUU?

Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, the only member of the senate to earn a perfect rating from the American Conservative Union, called President Obama “the world’s best salesman of socialism” on Friday in describing his prime time speech earlier this week.

DeMint, a fierce opponent of government expansion, told the CPAC crowd that conservatives might have to “take to the streets to stop America’s slide into socialism.”

CNN Political Ticker

Contrast that with the long-standing accusation against the Xicano community that someday our inner-Aztec will resurrect like those alien chupacabras out of our pechos with an insatiable urge to start caring about borders again so we can raise the TriColor throughout Aztlán.


Pero facts don’t mean anything to Sin Verguenzüero Sean. He’s accused our friends at National Council of La Raza (which does NOT mean race) of the thing that has actually been given plática time on his website:

Here’s the response from NCLR President Janet Murguía to John Moodey of FOX “News”:

Dear Mr. Moody:

On the February 25, 2009 edition of Hannity, Sean Hannity stated that my organization, the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), “has called for Mexico to annex southwestern states.” NCLR is the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States and last year celebrated its 40th anniversary as an American institution.

NCLR has never made the statement and does not support the views Mr. Hannity attributes to us, as even a cursory review of our public statements or website would substantiate. Such conspiracy theories would be silly if they were not so often used to create fear and distrust of all Hispanics living in America. While Mr. Hannity is well within his rights to disagree with the views of our organization, he is not entitled to lie about us. In light of this, we are asking in the strongest terms possible for an immediate on-air correction.

Let’s see if Sean takes a siesta from plotting an actual revolution to apologize for accusing NCLR of inciting an imaginary one. Meanwhile, I’m gonna go practice my grito for the day my President is someone who was punished at school for speaking spanish at recess.

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Posted by on February 27, 2009 in NCLR, race and racism, Sean Hannity


Latest Example of Border Policy Hypocrisy

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano:

“I am very cognizant of the balance that must be struck between good security measures and trade and commerce. Things like having to wait in long lines to get into a port are very problematic for supply chains,” she said.

Of course, she is referring to the Canadian/U.S. Border. Can’t have any disruption there.

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Posted by on February 27, 2009 in border policy


Protest Sheriff Joe Arpaio This Weekend

Phoenix, Arizona has been a hotbed of activism recently. With spending cuts gutting education and social service programs, many people have taken to the streets near the state capitol complex to make their voices heard. This form of raw democracy continues on Saturday (tomorrow) as many pro-human rights groups unite to protest the abuses of Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Who: National Day Laborer Organizing Network, Puente Arizona, and Zach de la Rocha of Rage Against the Machine

What: March to Stop the Systematic Persecution of Migrants and Latinos in AZ.

Where: March Start Location for Feb 28th: 300 E Indian School Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85012

When: March to Stop the Hate in Phoenix to be held 9:00 am on February 28.

(More info available from the Arizona Advocacy Network at

For many years, Arpaio has taken any opportunity to exploit state law and his 287g agreement with the Department of Homeland Security so he can target undocumented workers in Maricopa County, and because of his racism, the greater latino community. Pressure has been building against the sheriff, who is already under investigation by the FBI for abuses. The scope widened recently when the chairman and several members of the House Judiciary Committee issued a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano raising many of the same concerns of latinos in the Valley.

This Saturday is an opportunity for bottom-up politicking by those of us who feel threatened by Joe Arpaio’s control of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. We are already seeing the national spotlight move in his direction, and while he loves to be flogged by the media, it’s only a matter of time before the greater Phoenix area realizes that the sheriff is bringing attention that is not welcome; hopefully tightening the leash around Arpaio’s neck.

If you can’t make it to the protest tomorrow and would like other ways to get involved, our friends at America’s Voice have several starting points. The petition is just shy of our goal of 10,000 signatures, so please spread the word.



We Have A New Labor Secretary

By a vote of 80-17, Hilda Solis was confirmed as the next Labor Secretary of the United States. Thanks to everyone who signed petitions, emailed, faxed, called and rowsed a rabble on behalf of the California Congresswoman’s candidacy. Working people and their families will have a true champion in President Obama’s inner-circle.

Here is a sampling of reactions:

Service Employees International Union

As SEIU President Andy Stern stated in his previous endorsements of Solis, she is the embodiment of the American Dream. “As the daughter of two immigrant workers and union members who met in a citizenship class, today’s vote to confirm Hilda Solis as Secretary of Labor proves the American Dream is still alive. Working men and women now have a Department of Labor they can count on to stand up and fight for them because Secretary Solis personally understands the challenges workers face in a global economy. For Secretary Solis this is not just another job, but the culmination of a lifetime of action serving as a voice for people who work,” said Stern following today’s bipartisan vote by the U.S. Senate to confirm Hilda Solis as the next Secretary of Labor.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus

“As a Member of Congress, Hilda Solis has been an advocate in labor and environmental issues, and a trailblazer in healthcare and women’s issues. Her confirmation as our nation’s 25th Secretary of Labor is a moment of pride for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and Latinos across the country,” said Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez, Chair of the CHC. “The influence of the Latino community continues to grow, and today, Hilda Solis helps pave the way for generations of Latinos to come.”

National Council of La Raza

“Nearly one in ten Latinos is unemployed, and last month alone almost 300,000 Hispanics lost their jobs. The economic stimulus package approved by Congress is a bold step toward putting the nation on the road to economic recovery—but the true test will come when this legislation is implemented at the community level,” continued [NCLR President Janet] Murguía. “Hilda Solis has been at the forefront of finding innovative ways to expand job opportunities and knows what it takes to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to obtain safe jobs with decent wages and benefits. Having a Labor Secretary who is a strong and tireless advocate for workers will be an asset both to the Obama administration and to the nation,” concluded Murguía.

United Farm Workers

Secretary Solis worked in collaboration with the United Farm Workers for years to bring basic protections and dignity to one of the most vulnerable segments of our society. As a life-long supporter of union representation and as an advocate of worker’s rights, we are confident Ms. Solis will help restore what was the initial mission of the Labor Department. We know we can trust her. Now we can start working on rebuilding this great nation.”

League of United Latin American Citizens

“We are elated that Hilda Solis will serve as the next Secretary of Labor,” said LULAC National President Rosa Rosales. “At a time when hundreds of thousands more workers each week file initial jobless claims, a 26-year high this comes at the right time. For Latino workers facing an unemployment rate of 9.2 percent and small businesses struggling to make payroll, confirmation of Hilda Solis as Labor Secretary cannot come soon enough.”

Congresswoman Hilda Solis speaks for the voiceless in our society. Working men and women need her leading the Department of Labor at this critical time. The confirmation of Hilda Solis as the Secretary of Labor is critical to American workers — especially now when there is so much economic turmoil. If ever there was a time for a fully functioning Department of Labor, now is it. We trusted the full Senate would do the right thing for the American people.

America’s Voice

Secretary Solis (doesn’t that sound good?) understands how our dysfunctional immigration system leads to worker exploitation. When millions of undocumented workers are without the protection of the law, it encourages unscrupulous employers to undercut the wages and working conditions of all workers. These bad actor employers also undercut honest competitors who do play fair. Strong labor law enforcement combined with immigration reform that brings undocumented workers out of the shadows will restore integrity to both the labor market and the immigration system.

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Posted by on February 24, 2009 in Hilda Solis


Prayer Vigil Tonight at El Tiradito

From the inbox:

Prayer Vigil for Renewal and Action on Immigration

Thursday, February 19, 2009
7:00 pm
El Tiradito Shrine
400 S. Main Ave.
Tucson, AZ

Join the weekly vigil that has met at the El Tiradito shrine for over 8 years and be part of a national campaign for reform organized by the Interfaith Immigration Coalition during the first recess of Congress!

Pray for

  • Protection for immigrants
  • Empowerment of people of faith and conscience to speak out more boldly for immigrants
  • Moral courage for Members of Congress to show leadership in enacting humane immigration reform

For more information, contact
BorderLinks at: 520.628.8263
Derechos Humanos: 520.770.1373
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Posted by on February 19, 2009 in Derechos Humanos, human rights


Chicano Veterans Organization Seeks Clarification of DHS Policies

Longtime friend to this blog, Jaango, of the Chicano Veterans Organization has alerted us in the comments that they have received a response from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) regarding inquiries related to the tone and scope of work within the Department of Homeland Security; specifically the role of Joe Leiberman, who is supposed to provide oversight [cough] and investigate the violations of human rights that have been experienced by our families during the workplace and home raids across the country.

Senator Reid writes:

Dear Mr. ____________________ [Chicano Veterans Organization]

Thank you for contacting me with your concerns. I appreciate hearing from you.

I appreciate your concern about the manner in which U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has conducted worksite raids and other enforcement actions. While ICE must enforce our immigration laws, ICE also has the responsibility to exercise this authority in ways that are effective, humane, and minimize potential disruption to American communities and vulnerable populations. ICE officials must conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the Constitution, our laws, and our great American tradition of treating all people–regardless of race or national origin–with respect and humanity.

You may be pleased to know that Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, has asked that the Department review the conduct and policy regarding worksite raids. Please be assured that I will keep your thoughts in mind as this review takes place or if any related matters come before the full Senate.

Again, thank you for your taking the time to share your thoughts with me. For more information about my work for Nevada, my roles in the United States Leadership, or to subscribe to regular e-mail updates on the issues that interest you, please visit my web site http://reid, I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. My best wishes to you.


Harry Reid
United States Senate

Jaango plans on following up with Secretary Napolitano. I know I’d love to hear her thoughts on the raids now that she oversees DHS. She loved to kick the reponsibility can in Washington’s direction when she was Governor of Arizona. That tactic is no longer applicable.

Read more about the advocacy work of the Chicano Veterans Organization at this Cactus Juice Commentaries link, including the full correspondence between them and Sen. Reid’s office.

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Posted by on February 17, 2009 in Janet Napolitano, workplace raids


Hip-Hop Community Rallies Against Arpaio

Crossposted from The Sanctuary

The pressure continues to build against the shameful actions of Maricopa County’s Joe Arpaio. A week ago, hundreds of community members gathered in the Valley to promote human rights and make it clear that too many lines have been crossed by the sheriff.

Dan Weiss, writing at Imagine 2050, says:

Hours before “Stop The Circus” was to begin I paced nervously in the empty venue. I wondered how the night would end up; if Terrorist Joe would send trouble our way. I imagined the worst, but hoped for the best. I thought to myself ‘if we can pull this off, if the Hip-Hop community can pull this off, we can do anything’.

Thousands of hand shakes and hundreds of signatures later Hip-Hop proved to the world that it can be called upon as a voice of reason in America again. New York, Chicago, Detroit, and Phoenix stood together and let their voices be heard. While Sheriff Joe continues to use violence and terror to spread his message of fear,”Stop the Circus” on the contrary was a peaceful gathering built on respect and tolerance. On February 10th, 400 people met in one room on a few days notice, because they do not tolerate hate or violence, and will not fall victim to fear.

Here is a two-minute YouTube video of the event:

A populist campaign is rising from the streets of nuestra gente. Gritos of ¡Ya Basta! rising like the phoenix in a metropolis of the same name; where a city of tents signal a beacon of darkness and injustice just blocks away from the state’s seat of power. If only more people would recognize this familiar evil.

Human beings deserve to be treated like human beings. No exception. When the music starts to play this melody, our human hearts can only futily resist the rhythm.

Let’s dance.

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Posted by on February 17, 2009 in Cultura, Sheriff Joe Arpaio


NPR Interviews Sec. Napolitano on Immigration Issues

Secretary Napolitano defers a lot of the answers to whatever Congress decides to do for an overhaul of the system. The thing I’d like to know, however, is what will she be planning for DHS in the meantime…

As governor of the border state of Arizona, Janet Napolitano was on the front line of the immigration debate. As the new secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, she inherits a department that was recently blasted by the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute. The New York Times called the institute’s scathing report a “portrait of dysfunction.”

Napolitano joins Madeleine Brand to discuss what’s in store for federal immigration policy. A transcript of the conversation follows.

Madeleine Brand: As governor of Arizona … you signed the toughest law in the nation against employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants. How will you change federal immigration policy?

Janet Napolitano: We’re going to do a few things. First of all, the rule of law applies on the border, and we want to make sure that that happens, No. 1. That means manpower. That means technology — things like ground sensors. It means interior enforcement against those who intentionally are going into the illegal labor market and creating a demand for illegal laborers, so that’s all going to continue. How we do that may change with me as a new secretary, but we want to make sure the rule of law is applied, and it’s applied fairly and forcefully across the border. And then we’ll look for ways to, through our administrative process, facilitate the applications of citizenship for those who are entitled to become citizens. Are there things we can streamline, some red tape we can cut? Those are the kinds of things we want to look at as well.

More from NPR

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Posted by on February 16, 2009 in immigration, Janet Napolitano


Dobson High School to Host the President

President Obama will be in Arizona-proper on Wednesday:

An “extremely limited” number of tickets will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis at 10 a.m. Monday at the main entrance of Dobson High, 1501 W. Guadalupe Road. There is no school on Monday, due to President’s Day.

There will be a one-ticket limit per person.

East Valley Tribune

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Posted by on February 16, 2009 in Arizona, Barack Obama


BREAKING: Conyers Calls for Investigation of Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Breaking News from the office of Rep. John Conyers, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee:

Sheriff Arpaio has repeatedly demonstrated disregard for the rights of Hispanics in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Under the guise of immigration enforcement, his staff has conducted raids in residential neighborhoods in a manner condemned by the community as racial profiling. On February 4, 2009, Arpaio invited the media to view the transfer of immigrant detainees to a segregated area of his “tent city” jail, subjecting the detainees to public display and “ritual humiliation.” Persistent actions such as these have resulted in numerous lawsuits; while Arpaio spends time and energy on publicity and his reality television show, “Smile… You’re Under Arrest!”, Maricopa County has paid millions of dollars in settlements involving dead or injured inmates.

“Racial profiling and segregation are simply not acceptable.” said Conyers. “Media stunts and braggadocio are no substitute for fair and effective law enforcement.”

This move comes on the heels of Sheriff Joe’s latest stunt where he segregated and paraded migrant worker detainees in Phoenix like chained animals. Latinos in Maricopa County are well-aware that the sheriff gives the wink-wink/nod-nod treatment to racial profiling so this is definitely welcomed news. Arpaio has repeatedly abused his authority under the 287g agreement between the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and DHS. Frank Sherry of America’s Voice writes:

The Joe Arpaio approach to law enforcement is un-American and ineffective — not to mention expensive. Joe’s actions are the perfect example of why local enforcement of federal immigration law is inherently flawed, and they point to the increasing need for comprehensive immigration reform.

Arpaio is a modern day Bull Connor and his publicity-seeking crusades have made the Latino community scared and Maricopa County less safe by prioritizing racial profiling over executing the felony warrants that have piled up on his desk. His most recent scheme, rounding up immigrants and shipping them off to separate “tent cities,” is just the latest in a career filled with dangerous and anti-Latino demagoguery.

America’s Voice Blog

The letter (.pdf warning) from the congressional committee is addressed to both Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano. It will be interesting to see what Napolitano does now since Arpaio hails from Janet’s home state. Conyers is suggesting that the 287g agreement be terminated altogether, which is fine by me.

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Posted by on February 13, 2009 in Sheriff Joe Arpaio