Category Archives: United Farm Workers

La Importancia de Fe


¿de quien?

¿Nuestro país? ¿Dios? ¿Humanidad?

En este momento necesitamos recordar la alma de nuestras raíces. César Chavez entiendó la importancia de la vida spiritual cuando organizó la gente.

Oracion del Campesino por la Lucha
Escrito por César Chavez

Ensename el sufrimiento de los mas desafortunados;
Asi conocere el dolor de mi pueblo.

Librame a orar por los demas;
Porque estas presente en cada persona.

Ayudame a tomar, responsabilidad de mi propia vida;
Solo asi, sere libre al fin.

Concedeme valentia para servir al projimo;
Porque en la entrega hay vida verdadera.

Consedeme honradez y paciencia;
Para que yo pueda trabajar junto con otros trabajadores.

Alumbranos con el canto y la celebracion;
Para que levanten el Espiritu entre nosotros.

Que el Espiritu florezca y cresca;
Para que no nos cansemos entere la lucha.

Nos acordamos de los que han caido por la justicia;
Porque a nosotros han entregado la vida.

Ayudanos a amar aun a los que nos odian;
Asi podemos cambiar el mundo

En el próximo Domingo, Cardinal Mahoney de Los Angeles celebrare la Misa Santa con la comunidad. Los United Farworkers necesitan ayuda:

This year’s annual Cesar Chavez Mass is scheduled on a Sunday–a day farm workers have off—so they can attend. Farm workers are eager to take part in this historical day joining with thousands of UFW supporters from throughout Southern California.

Please help us raise the funds to charter buses so they can attend this special event. The cost for chartering four buses and providing food and water for the trip is $30 per worker. Please consider sponsoring a farm worker–or a farm worker family–and help make it possible for them to join in this special recognition of UFW Cesar Chavez.

Also, for those in Southern California, please join the farm workers at this special tribute to UFW Founder Cesar Chavez. The Mass will be held at on Sunday at 3:30 pm at the Cathedral of our Lady of the Angels located at: 555 West Temple St. in Los Angeles.

Thank you as always for your generosity and commitment to La Causa.

César Chavez Day is coming up on March 31st. I picked up Sal Si Puedes: Cesar Chavez and the New American Revolution to prepare for it. As a mentor, it’s important to me to learn how Cesar allowed his faith to form the foundation of his mission to fight for human rights.

The past couple of weeks have been very instructive for me. The amount of time spent in solitude has multiplied from its usual level of ‘majority of the time’ to ‘most of the time’. It has presented many opportunities to meditate, pray and just…

The writing that has been produced is not the type that is fit for public consumption, which is why this place has been running stagnant. For that I apologize.

It’s always interesting when a period of life is governed by questions instead of answers. There is some form of progress, but it isn’t the type of concrete movement that accompanies answers. In fact, it oftentimes feels like backward motion because the questions open up new avenues of the future. But it is progress, and it’s helpful to remember that.

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Posted by on March 21, 2007 in Cesar Chavez, United Farm Workers