Category Archives: Eegeehood

This Blog Rated E for Excelente

I’d like to send a hearty ¡Ahooooahh! (the Mexican version, not the military one) over to my blog amigos at Drinking Liberally in New Milford and The Sirens Chronicles for tagging this humble blog as a recipient for the ‘E for Excellent’ Award.

This is not something I do full-time. It’s just a hobby, albeit an important one to me. The energy levels ebb and flow with each day, but I’ve always considered it worth it to create a space that can channel my thoughts. Little by little the traffic has risen around here, and it’s in part due to building relationships with other bloggers who share solidarity with the things that fill these posts each day.

I’m happy to have had the opportunity to network and dialog with people all across this country as a result of being infected by the blogging virus, and looking forward to doing more of that very soon. We have to restore balance to the narrative of how we treat one another, and it won’t happen through silence – so here are some people that I am happy to pass on the ¡Premio Excelente! over to:

  • Craig at Random Musings – for keeping us up to speed on the antics of the dwellers in the Valle del Sol. He is a blogger who is both activist and journalist with a healthy sense of humor, my favorite type.
  • Jan at happening-here? – her blog embodies human rights, and she just had a blogiversary, so go say hi!
  • Tedski at Rum, Romanism and Rebellion – R Cubed is my favorite Grand Canyon State blog. Reading any post there will show you why. Plus, he has ¡Free Baja Arizona! stickers
  • Jen at You Would Think – a blogging friend who’s on the short list of Must Meet Someday. She makes me laugh, think and grow every time she creates a new post.
  • field at the field negro – tells it like it is, we need more of that. plus, the sidebar pictures and commentary usually have me howling in laughter at my desk.
  • NL at Smartypants – she’s turned her blog into a forum for asking the deep, and often difficult, questions of why we treat one another a certain way and how to move forward on a more humane path.
  • XicanoPwr at ¡Para Justicia y Libertad! – I can never say enough great things about him and the work he’s done over the years to re-frame the immigration debate online in a perspective that speaks to those of us who find ourselves targeted by the rhetoric of hate.
  • boran2 at Survivor Left Blogistan – not only is he a painter, he has been covering the ongoing assault on our national parks and environment for the couple of years I’ve been reading him. He’s also a loyal commenter all over the neighborhood and a great person to meet in person (can’t wait to return to the red rocks!)
  • olivia at parvum opus – her breathtaking photos are a reminder that there is still beauty in this world, all it takes is a little patience to stop and find it. A macro lens helps, too. jejeje
  • nezua at The Unapologetic Mexican – hilarious, witty and versed on the art of slaying ignorance. His writing pushes me to do refine my voice in this medium and that of the outside world.

There are many others that are deserving of wider recognition. I hope you’ll take the time to step away from the bigger sites and find out what intrepid work is being done out here in the boonies. A good start are the blogrolls to your right ——->

y namaste

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Posted by on February 28, 2008 in Eegeehood


Monday "Morning" Eegeehood Tour

[Updated below with more links and a Bud cameo – M.E.]

Hey there kids! It’s that time of year again, and in a twist of fate, just a wee bit later than that time of week again. Hop in the van, grab some candy, a flashlight, and let’s do some trick-or-treating!

The lights are still on over at boran2’s place. If we’re real nice, he’ll even let us take a peek at the progress of his latest painting. He also reports that Nancy Pelosi has been voted off the island of Left Blogistan. And there was much rejoicing…

Moving along…if the lights are off at catnip’s crib, that’s only because of some problems connecting to the internet tubes. Not to worry though, as she’s left some nourishing food for thought on the front porch for any trick-or-treater who might come by.

Since we’re already in the neighborhood, let’s swing by the two cribs I’m renting. I usually feel bad when I can’t afford goodies for Halloween, so this year I’ve saved my pennies and made sure that there are plenty of goodies for one and all. I even greet trick-or-treaters with my Guy Fawkes mask over at Mahatma X Files. As usual, you’ll be filling up on lots of cynical commentary, lessons on research methodology in the service of human rights and dignity, and even some chili peppers that are hotter than habaneros. I kid you not! And of course I do apologies for those pests in my house who insist on flying around on only right wings. I’m not sure if it’s the lack of a hard freeze this fall or the recent full moon. If you’re up to it, bring some RAID and some fly swatters when entering mi humble casa.

Okay, over at the jazz joint, grab some music to nourish your minds, bodies, and souls. Coleman Hawkins is Wrapped Tight, Wendell Harrison and the Tribe serve up an Evening with the Devil, you can also hear some Echoes of a Prayer over in Grachan Moncur III’s corner, and Franklin Kiermyer’s been channeling the spirit of Trane In The House of My Fathers.

Not only can you find veritable feast of food for thought at Nezua’s crib, but you can even vote on a tagline.

Smartypants has her own tour gig going on, so by all means see what’s happening in some cribs outside of our particular ‘hood. She’ll also treat you to an on-going narrative on the peoples of the Andean First Nations.

Amidst the disappointing news about the DREAM Act, Citizen Orange finds hope among the younger activists.

In the mood for some mystery? Nanette’s managed to solve one that I’d never even heard of. Now, you too, can learn who or what Dondi is.

Okay, that’s our tour for now. The van is running low on fuel and we need to make sure that I can get us all back safely before we get stranded. Peace and love, y’all.

[UPDATE by Man Eegee] Believe it or not, I am alive! Midweek curveball from work last week kept me away from the web. Here are a few more things that I recommend checking out:

The crew over at Amnesty International’s Aliados blog alerts us to the ongoing horror flick series that involves torture and legislative apathy towards it. Oh wait, that’s real life. Time to get cracking on changing it! More info at the link.

Liza over at Culture Kitchen opines about that unspoken thing that strikes fear in the heart of nativists from sea to shining sea: minorities with money. Also, any post that includes the word ‘negritude’ deserves to be linked up. Check out the videos, too!

The dead are walking the streets in El Ciudad de San Francisco (and carrying signs while they’re at it). And don’t tell Bud, but janinsanfran is sharing some gato goodness with an important message about pet adoptions.

Liberal Street Fighter is back online with Madman In The Marketplace committing a rant on America™’s infatuation with a Hallmark-card reality bubble while the rest of us end up flooded or burned. Literally.

Duke is in top form as he calls out Lou Dobbs Democrats for blindly following the forked-tongue propagandist. Also, time to break out the marketing blue ribbon, he’s coined a new phrase: Tancrazy.

XP strolled into some mal aire last week and caught the flu (hope you’re feeling better ‘mano!), but no flu bug could stop him from outlining the fallout of shattered D.R.E.A.M.S. Marisa over at Latina Lista also gave voice to the frustration and slap in the face offered to students who only want a shot at a higher education.

Taking a break from the political, Family Man offers a way to give your ears a slacking session: don’t listen to the car radio. And olivia is either getting way into the Halloween spirit this year, or found her prince. Talk about multi-tasking, she even managed to get in some bird yoga. And speaking of exercise, katiebird continues her daily vigilance over at Eat4Today, while taking time to remember the victims of the California wildfires.

Happy Trick-or-Treating! Watch out for the basset hound disguised as a Drool Monster.

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Posted by on October 29, 2007 in Eegeehood, Friday Bud Blogging


The Sunday/Monday Eegeehood Tour

Hi all. This is your friendly neighborhood tour guide, James (currently filling in for Nanette), ready to share with any and all visitors the ‘haps in the ‘hood. We’ll stop by my pads first this time around.

Over at the jazz joint (Nothing Is), there’s some new music up for grabs, including some Flaming Drums (not literally – my place is not up to code for pyrotechnics – but rather a great early 1960s afro-jazz session led by the late Babatunde Olatunji), and a re-up of a classic Frank Wright album (Kevin, My Dear Son).

Now on to The Mahatma X Files, where we’ve been dealing with a few annoying pests in the comments (you know, the kind who fly around only on right-wings), so slap on some repellent and step right in. First, there’s a friendly reminder that there is nothing to fear when it comes to trick-or-treating (other than the dental bill from too much candy consumption). Also, there’s an extended essay on eugenicists, racism, and Jim Watson. How do they tie together? Read and find out.

You know of course that Bud is back protecting Manny’s front yard. Just give him some treats and he’ll know you’re cool. Also, did you know that the US is building a Great Wall of China?

Our newest Eegeehood tenant, Citizen Orange, has a good one up on dissent and deportation.

Smartypants is serving some Blessed Unrest, and once you’re done with this tour, why not check out her own tour bus?

More to come – probably sometime on Monday.

Now it’s Monday – if we’re done with our coffee break, let’s get back to the tour.

There are a few artists’ lofts in the hood, as we all know. Boran2, for instance, is working on brand new painting as we speak – this time on 8″x10″ canvas. Once more, we will be treated to The Grand Canyon. Stay tuned…

What’s going on over at Olivia’s photography studio? If you take a peak, you’ll see a photo of a Grey Heron, among other scenes – both in nature and on the ice (as in ice hockey – ’tis the season).

On a more serious note, the age of the “sundown towns” is not all that far behind us. One could argue that in fact it never really went away, and is if anything are coming back with a vengeance in the wake of all the anti-immigrant hysteria. Migra Matters has the scoop.

Xicanopwr has a tale of two Aztláns – the original version meant to unite and inspire, and the right-wing version intended to spread division and hatred.

On a somewhat related note, Doc Logan over at Human Beams takes his readers on a journey to a land that time forgot.

Intrepid Liberal Journal has an interview with journalist and Iran expert Barbara Slavin.

Katiebird asks what are you going to do today?

That’s all for now folks. Until next time, peace and love y’all.

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Posted by on October 22, 2007 in Eegeehood


The Sunday Eegeehood Tour

Holy deja vu, Batman! Two Sundays of Eegeehood Tours in a row! Once again I am filling in as your humble tour guide. This isn’t my regular gig, though, but I’ll do what I can.

Let’s start out with a tribute to Ductape Fatwa by spiderleaf over at ECFS.

Nezua of Unapologetic Mexican fame, has been a busy man, including the design work for the recently unveiled Citizen Orange (which should be made into a regular tour stop, so check it out) Nez is also keeping them honest when it comes to decaying empires, mercenary armies, and war criminality.

Boran2 has finished his Grand Canyon painting. Obviously suitable for framing. Nicely done.

Smartypants offers up some cautionary words regarding eternal “wars on terra”, whether fought in Peru or elsewhere. She’s also been collecting some cool quotations over the past week.

Your humble tour guide has some new old tunes over at the jazz joint.

I’ll try to update with more in a few.

Back again.

XicanoPwr has an update on the Jena Six and the proliferation of noose as a racist symbol.

Family man tells us that the path to perfect slackdom is full of surprises.

Catnip is currently at the beach
(in other words, on blogging hiatus).

Duke1676 of Migra Matters tells us The Word.

Anything else happening in tha hood?

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Posted by on October 15, 2007 in Eegeehood


The prodigal Sunday Eegeehood Tour returns

One truism that has tons of truth to it is “you never really know what you have until it is gone.” I think it goes without saying that Nanette’s Sunday Tours along with Manny’s Friday Bud Blogging were features that seemed to keep our little corner of the blogging diaspora together. The hood has certainly changed over the last year. Several houses remain vacant. Every once in a while we get a new neighbor. We really need a block party. So in that spirit:

Let’s introduce a new neighbor: Smartypants. Actually, you’ve seen her occupying some other pads as NLinStPaul. She’s finally signed a lease on her own blogging space. Check it out.

One of our neighbors has checked in after months of seclusion: Dove, whose blog In Flight features the unfinished but still quite good joint project that she and the (hate to say it) probably late Ductape Fatwa were working on (titled Artichoke Circus) before his sudden disappearance.

A couple of us have lately been blogsitting over at Everybody Comes From Somewhere, where you might just find the occasional Bokononist quotation.

XicanoPwr always drops some interesting palabras over at ¡Para Justicia y Libertad!, including a notice that his blog is hosting a Q & A session with the author of The Latino Challenge to Black America this October 11.

Nezua’s always in the hood – check his recent joint, Mind Your Myanmars. Of course as Nanette would say, just start at the top of his blog and scroll down.

Boran2’s acrylic painting of the Grand Canyon is coming along nicely.

Just a few days ago, Olivia presented us a gorgeous sunset photo – I can’t say I’ve ever seen the Ottawa River, but it looks like a wonderful place to spend some time. Olivia of course dazzles her visitors on a regular basis with flower photos. Take a peek.

Family Man is still rolling along, in spite of a little electrical mishap that strikes me as something I’d do. My encounter with electrical current had something to do with an electrical outlet, a malfunctioning blowdryer, and the fact that I was sopping wet after having just jumped out of the shower – but that’s a story for another time.

After a lengthy hiatus, Migra Matters is back in a big way, most recently covering the Dream Act.

Our usual tour guide has certainly kept herself busy, including sharing some words written by a great-great-great uncle that show just how little things have changed in the intervening century when it comes to race relations.

Intrepid Liberal Journal’s latest essay paints an unflatteringly accurate portrait of war profiteer Erik Prince.

Checked Eat4Today lately?

Okay. I’m sure I’m leaving some folks out. As I said, several houses seem to have been vacated – perhaps temporarily, perhaps permanently. We need a block party. If someone’s got the sound equipment, I’ll bring the tunes.

Peace and love, y’all.

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Posted by on October 8, 2007 in Eegeehood


Come one, Come all, to the Eegeehood Someday Tour!

OMG, where have you all been?? Oh wait… what do you mean you’ve been here? Without me!? The nerve! That’s okay tho, all is forgiven (ahem). No time for recriminations when there is peeking to do!

*Looks at Bud… wanders off whistling to get her peeking gear*

First up… gasp. Deano. The art crit. I think he has decided that we are all a bunch of heathens who cannot appreciate good art (or even know what we are looking at… okay, so that’s just me, but still), and so he’s decided not to… to… hang up his red pen! Thanks for all the intros to the new artists and ways of looking at art, deano! Hopefully you’ll be back and critiquing again one day.

All righty then… I’ll just say that if you have a dentist phobia, wave at Family Man from afar! Not that he’s a dentist, mind you, but he’s been having an awful lot of contact with them lately and while I am sure they are very nice people at home or at the pool… just remember, in their own offices they reign! In happier news, Cat still lives (amazingly).

Original James had much the same reaction to the new “Save Darfur” music and cd effort that I did. I think heart’s are in the right place, but still. Also – taking off from a post of Arthur Silber’s, he explores some facets of white heterosexual privilege and victim blaming – should make for an interesting discussion! And Katrina victims might be considering negotiating with France to buy back Louisiana in order to get some help down there. There is much more there, scroll down! Jazzy James may be still in Vegas, but in case you missed all the Miles Davis stuff to download… go look!

[UPDATE!] Wow, did you know we were painting a most excellent building? Well, by “we” I mean boran, but anyway… I quite like that building! Mind you, if I saw it in person it might make me seasick, but I love the curves in the painting. I can’t wait to see how we finish it! Also, while boran may lean left his logo, I’m sad to say, leans right in my foxy browser! What say you? And contemptuous familiarity – don’t we know it well!

ILJ highlights and talks about a Foreign Policy article, and details the interlocking fortunes of a trio of major players, whose causes feed each other, in the Middle East region. Also, is is possible for the US military to win the hearts and minds of Iraqis after all this time? A Marine captain gives his opinion and ILJ brings it to us.

Have I got some moos for you! It’s about Olivia, of course. See, it’s like this – Olivia didn’t have any clouds, but she did have this cow– don’t ask me why Olivia has a cow–so anyway, no clouds but there is a cow with a cloud nose just sitting there, and so… I mean, what would you do? But, that’s not all! Then this Friday there’s this frog (yes, a frog! and not a flowery one, either) up there that obviously doesn’t believe a word I, or anyone else, just said! And, then, in between skeptical frogs and cloudy nosed cows, she has lovely flowers and bees! Go look!

[UPDATE AGAIN!] It took me a long time to figure out who Jessica Alba was… but it looks like it’s taking even a longer time for her to figure it out! Sad. Nezua has compassion and advice. Oh man, superheroes I can identify with! Aren’t they great? Also, don’t you think it’s about time that casting directors sort of, you know, choose people who already look the part? Well, unless the part is Chewbacca or something – (nothing against any Chewbacca lookalikes, by the way). There is more there, but not as much as usual cuz the chronicles of Nezua have taken an unexpected turn this month. Oh wait! I almost forgot… haunting, fascinating and well worth it… this time, it’s go listen!

katiebird is continuing on her quest to educate people on healthcare and get the politicians moving! They don’t know that they are dealing with someone who is firmed daily, so they’d better watch out! Oh hey, she’s on two weeks vacation now – but is not going on a cruise or anything! Not even to the vibrating tanning beds, that I can see. Also, this is an older post, from the eat4today lounge, but one that is definitely still timely… What will the ‘homeless’ do when our libraries go virtual?

Manny has bunches of good stuff here, too! Old buses, water woes and more (what was a double decker bus doing in Az anyway?) Also, he wants to know if there are any old buses (or news!) in your part of the world… so tell him! And making fun of Ahnold, as everyone should do. We should have a rally and, in a coordinated way, shout phrases in Spanish at him. See if he melts. There is more there, scroll down, scroll down!

All done! If I’ve forgotten anyone, let me know.

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Posted by on June 17, 2007 in Eegeehood


Sunday Nite Tour of tha ‘Hood

Hi there tourists. Welcome to the Eegeehood Tour. I’m James and I’ll be your guide tonight. Nanette is using up some of her paid leave time, and since these tours just don’t happen without a tour guide, here I am. We hope you remembered to bring your binoculars (if not, we will gladly offer some for rental – see the assistant near rear exit). Fresh coffee and bagels are also being served as we speak. So, everyone, get out those celebrity Z-list bloggers maps and get ready for the ride of your lives.

First on our route is the home of Manny, without whom we would not have an Eegeehood, and hence I’d be out of a job as a tour guide (these gigs are hard to come by). As you can see, there is a lovable basset who patrols the grounds, and a good friend or two offering up the latest example of nativist racism. Remember to drop by and offer a few good words of support for Manny.

Since the home of tonight’s humble tour guide is just next door, let’s take a peep there next. Obviously you will not see me there at this very moment (unless you’ve consumed some primo blotter acid), but I can assure you that the house is far from empty. Dominating the front lawn is a post on my absolute disgust with the Dems’ latest sell-out. They’ve done a heck of a job folks. Give ’em a hand (or the bird). Crooks and Liars picked it up, and mi casa has seen more visitors in one day than had dropped in during the previous week. But enough about me.

The guest house is my jazz joint (Nothing Is), but we’re taking five as they say in the biz. Drop by later in the week, when we’ll be droppin’ some slammin’ tunes.

Nezua always has something happening at his pad, including his chronicles. His is one blog to just start at the top and keep reading.

Duke at Migra Matter catches possible Presidential candidate Fred Thompson acting like a bigot (well, true he’s an actor, but he really is a bigot).

Xicanopwr has a few things to say about the current immigration reform efforts in Congress and how it will screw a lot of good people.

Catnip has some more food for thought (truly a feast for the brain), as well as a video of Black Uhuru from the mid 1980s. A quick bit of trivia: in the graphic novel version of V for Vendetta, the title character makes reference to Black Uhuru in one of his early conversations with Evey.

The big pink estate just down the street is Mo Betta Meta, which has plenty to say about the Big Orange palace this week.

Boran is painting part of New York City! I see many visits to Home Depot in the future. I know bad joke.

Intrepid Liberal Journal has a few thoughts for the Memorial Day weekend.

The Family Man has something to be proud of! Congrats on your 10,000th visitor.

Olivia’s place is the neighborhood’s garden, with so many beautiful flowers to admire. This of course is a good place to stop and smell the roses.

Our neighborhood is also home to a place dedicated to health improvement. Want to learn a few things about nutrition, or about the mindset needed to lose weight? Always a welcoming place to visit.

Tonight’s tour ends here, Everybody Comes From Somewhere, where I shall direct your attention to the tribute to anti-war protesters.

We at Eegeehood Tours, Inc. hope you have enjoyed your visit. Please don’t forget to schedule another tour with us – possibly as soon as next Sunday. You never know which Z-list celebrities you might just run into.

Peace out.

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Posted by on May 28, 2007 in Eegeehood


Late Sunday Eegeehood Mini-Tour

Damn. It seems like this must be vacation season, as several houses in tha ‘hood have been unoccupied as of late. I guess it beats the summer travel rush, when those gas prices are going to hit $4 per gallon. Some of us are still around though, and maybe we should have a block party or something.

I’ll bring the tunes: a couple live bootleg Miles Davis concerts from 1975. Check Another Unity from late January 1975 and a bootleg taped Philly gig from mid-May 1975.

I might even drop some Nathaniel Mackey words or reflect on the state of pop music just to get the conversation starting. Mad props due to Arcturus for introducing me to Mackey’s work. Arcturus seems to be on an extended vacation. Hopefully it involves touring jazz joints all across the known universe.

Over at Everybody Comes From Somewhere, check nlinstpaul’s piece on the growing trend toward multipolarity in international politics.

Nezua is on fire. The True Front of Progressivism should be mandatory reading. As the vacationing Nanette would say, his is one of those blogs that you just start at the top and keep reading.

XicanoPwr is prognosticating a new Rage Against the Machine album, and has been giving his readers the 411 on neo-Nazi terrorism in Los Angeles. He also live-blogged this year’s May Day activities and provided some much-needed coverage of the May Day police brutality at MacArthur Park. Duke at Migra Matters also has some coverage of the MacArthur Park police freakout.

A couple weeks ago, Janet’s blog Peace Gone Wild had a youtube video of some Portland peace protest activity. I hate the war too.

Deano has an impressionist-flavored painting by Ann Marie Coolick available for viewing pleasure. Keeping on the art tip, check out boran2’s progress on his painting of a 1959 Volvo. I love Volvos, especially the ones from the 1950s and 1960s. Olivia’s always got some gorgeous flower photos to check out, including her latest of a lily. She’s also got a guest photo by North Dakota Democrat titled “Spring Sunset in North Dakota” that reminds me of why I love the high plains so much. We’ve got a theme going on now, so here’s a couple pictures of a pond by Family Man (who is back after a brief haitus due to a computer mishap).

Rob at Intrepid Liberal Journal has a podcast interview with Riane Eisler (whose book The Chalice and the Blade is a classic), and a reminder of just how awful corporate media of Junior Caligula’s May 1, 2003 photo-op (all we need to say is “Mission Accomplished” to jar the memory) really was.

Katiebird has an informative post on what Melamine does to pets’ kidneys, as well as melamine contamination of poultry and hogs slaughtered for human consumption.

Mo Betta Meta has an “offensive” editorial response to the report that 80% of blogs contain offensive content.

Catnip’s got a roundup of news, as well as her always ace Sunday food for thought.

As y’all know, Man Eegee’s also on a blogging vacation, but occasionally someone drops by to water the plants and feed Bud.

Hopefully I didn’t leave any of the non-vacationers out.

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Posted by on May 7, 2007 in Eegeehood


Tag, I’m It! And Maybe You Too?

How can I resist the reciprocation? Especially after James said such nice things? It’s always such a humbling experience to see that people actually read what you have to write, rant, and fuss about on the tubes. James is a cool cat, someone who never fails to offer a link, comment, or tune that I can dig.

So, with that, here’s some other peeps that I’ve come to encounter online that I’m always happy to read and hear from:

Duke over at Migra Matters: This man has opened me up to the world of policy with respect to the immigration debate. He has been a mentor, a friend, and a hell of a blogging inspiration. Migra Matters is a top-notch blog that has helped to give a voice to the voiceless and slay the propaganda that fills the airwaves.

XicanoPwr: Wow. That’s the only way to describe my reaction to every post he writes and shares with a vast audience at tons of blogs. Every screed he writes is ripe with commentary and linkage that gets me lost in the vast ocean of information and human rights advocacy.

Not enough can be said about the privilege I have to have encountered Nanette in the blogosphere: every word she writes and shares with us exudes life with a healthy dose of humor and compassion. I’m humbled that she’s given so much effort to build community throughout various blogs with the Sunday Tour here. I could never repay her for her kindness and friendship.

Madman in the Marketplace and wilfred over at Liberal Street Fighter: When I first encountered Madman’s words, he pissed me off, but I quickly learned that the reason was because he was boldly telling Truth that I already knew but didn’t necessarily want to hear. Since I realized that, I found myself seeking out his commentary and hoping that all of the things he stood in the town square to proclaim would someday come true. Wilfred has given me tons of prods to seek out movies and movements that work to bring about a more progressive world. Many thanks to them both.

The last slot goes to the king of snark, boran2: I’m thankful that you continue to share your progressivism with us through your comments, diaries, and art. Whether it’s about genetically modified food, the latest encounter with the wingnuts in your real life, or the beauty of subtle shadows added to a hot rod, the invitation to “Paint us a picture of your thoughts” is one that should be embraced my the world.

There are many, many more. Obviously; but to all the commenters, lurkers, friends and family that I’ve encountered online:

Muchísimas Gracias
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Posted by on April 23, 2007 in Eegeehood


The Sunday "Bud Got a Makeover" Tour!

It’s true! Our Bud apparently decided that he was tired of being a soulful eyed, waggy tailed, cheesecake begging cutie and has instead elected to become a slinky, orange ringed cat! Who probably disdains cheesecake! Oh, the humanity! Or, um… oh, the dog and cattery! We still love you, Bud, even if you do change your name to Paris or something!

When our Manny’s away, the mice… well, you know, the one thing we don’t have in this story is mice! Good thing, what do you think we are running here, a menagerie?

So, let’s see what else has happened during the week! Are you ready to peek? Let’s go!

Family Man has a great story (and a fun picture of a very small cowboy) about growing up in the (on the?) Mississippi Delta and uncles and WWII and scanning in memories – something I need to do too! Also, we need more good thoughts for his brother !

I dunno about katiebird and all this firming daily stuff… apparently it has caused her to turn into a rubber bag! Should we worry? Maybe not! Also, healthy eating… by video! Now that’s my kind of healthy eating. I also enjoy watching people exercise on video… by the time they are done, I’m all worn out! And sometimes our body sneaks up on us sort of like my cat does when trying to convince me that, “no, you really DIDN’T feed me just 15 minutes ago!” Katie has thoughts on this! (not about the cat, though). AND… a good tool to print out and put on your wall… cool picture too!

Everybody still comes from somewhere! But that’s not enough for NLinStPaul, no no… she also wants to know where hope comes from! She has some great thoughts on that, and others do too…. if you know, go add your own!

[UPDATE!] Nezua, The Unapologetic Mexican, has some good news and some bad news. The bad news (first, of course)… somehow, we are being Michelle Malkin! Let us cry. And the good news is… Nezua has had the cutest little nephew ever! (there may be some disagreement on this point). Well, he didn’t exactly have the nephew, but still… awwww. Also, a chosen disintegration – this needs more thinking about than I can give it at the moment – deep post! And all about the political acumen, bravery and far sightedness (cough) shown by Michael Dowd.

ILJ is wondering…. so who does have that vision thing? Of the people running, who is likely to make you (or him, I should say) devote the time and effort of campaigning and supporting them? See what he has to say about that!

Boran2 highlights how, once again, the Bush admin and Republicans make take stuff one is used to thinking of as being cuckoo bananas… and try to make it policy! Also, our car is getting detailed and a shine now! Soon, it will be ready! Bush seems to think the best way to handle endangered or other species is to remove them from existence! No species, no problem. And, alas, poor MetaUlrick, I knew him well.

[UPDATE THE LAST!] Olivia has an orchid that is giving a full throated aria! Go see, if you don’t believe me. Hmph! Also, she has someone else’s clouds! These are not Canadian clouds, so no doubt they make different pictures and people look at them and say ‘huh’ instead of ‘eh’! And a daisy, inner bits and all!

Arcturus thinks the game and set are pretty transparent, in the British/Iran thingy… with the US circling the perimeter. Also, segregated toilets in Afghanistan? I suppose that answers one of the “what will they think of to do to alienate the populations next?”.

Original James has initiated a Ductape Signal. I hope it is answered 😦 Also, material letting you know what is going on with Pinon Canyon and what you can do about it! And, the only sane thing to do when faced with an insane system. Sounds about right to me! Jazzy James has returned and is highlighting (and showing where to download) The Streets of St. Louis! I bet JJ has a far better tan than Original James does!

I have something too! I tell you why I am a little teapot, and what I’m going to do about it ! Funny thing is, writing that felt like I was trying to claw my way up through murk, but by the time I got done writing that piece, and making the decisions in it, I already had a working idea in my brain and new excitement! Now I just have to figure out how to implement it, heh.

All done! maybe. Some haven’t updated, some are still saying NO PEEKING, and others are doing other stuff! If I’ve missed you tho, let me know!

[INFO UPDATE!] I forgot that I wanted to let people know that SiteMeter has apparently been sold to another company, and it now places some pretty intrusive tracking cookies on the computers of anyone who visits a site using it. I mean, we peek, but not like that! I have Firefox, so I was able to delete them (I deleted both sitemeter cookies and the one that really does the tracking, specificclick) and then used the Firefox option to block them and so far that seems to have done the trick.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter if you are using that service or if you just visit a site that does… which is most likely, as it’s the stats info counter thingy of choice for blogs, but either way… it’s watching you!

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Posted by on April 1, 2007 in Eegeehood