Monthly Archives: October 2007

Of Russian Thistle and Headstones

It was a Sunday that began like many others spent at my parents’ house while I visit – with my madre yelling up the stairs at me to get up if I wanted to x, y or z. This particular time was y, where y = go to breakfast with my ninos at their restaurant (and you thought algebra was useless). Knowing that breakfast would involve the best bowl of posole on this earth, it didn’t take much for me to wipe the lagaña out of my eyes and get ready for the day.

Ironically, I passed on the posole once the spicy scents of the entire menu of food filled my hungry imagination. The red chile was too enticing, not to mention the freshness of corn tortillas made regularly in the room next door – so the chilaquiles were what brought a big sonrisa to my face as they were laid in front of me.

Throughout the meal, my parents, godparents and I talked about the família and all the new additions to it. Many of my cousins are having children and it’s fun to see how our characteristic genes recreate themselves in new, vibrant ways. We’re all an extension of our roots and I’m learning that the key to my feeling whole is to renew my commitment to the traditions that have defined my very existence.

Following the desayuno rico, we made our way to the town cemetery for a few hours of work. You see, el Día de los Muertos approaches, and it’s an act of honor and love to maintain not only the memories, but the gravesite of loved ones lost. It is more than just an act, though, it is an obligation.

While I wish I could brag and say I did tons of work that day, the truth is I was a supporting character to my parents and godmother who labored wielding paint brushes, brooms, rakes, hoes and weed-eaters. Once the plots were free of the weedy overgrowth and the borders were suitably whitewashed for another season of regular visits, flowers were places in the holders to bring new life to the blessed ground.

Breaking the monotony of this round of cemetery duty, I learned that my mother’s grandparents and great-grandfather were also buried there. You would think that as much time as we’ve spent among the graves over the years, that I would have known that, but alas, it was news to me.

As we approached the site in the older portion of the grounds, I noticed a large colony of russian thistle, commonly known as tumbleweed, thriving. Contrary to the cartoonish version of it that depicts an old west town bisected by a dirt road, tumbleweed bouncing happily down the thoroughfare, the stuff is pretty nasty. It’s full of thorns and gets easily tangled in whatever happens to be in its way as it does its tumbling act.

Wack! Wack! Wack!

That took care of that.

Revealed in the brambly tierra was a white marble headstone that proclaimed the name of my great grandmother – Francisca Ramirez. The dates and information depicted on the headstone made my heart beat a bit faster than before – it was all etched en español.

Directly to her right was a four foot wrought iron cross, which stands as sentinel over the resting place of nana Francisca’s father – known as Fimbres. There are details of names and locations in a book, but my cousin has it in El Centro, so I’ll have to find out more about their stories. What I do know is that Francisca was married to my great tata Jose, who was buried yet another few feet up the slightly inclined hill. After cutting away more of the weeds, I noticed that growing inside the concrete border of his grave were several vigilant iris. No flowers, but the bulbs and plants were there in defiance of the tumbleweed.

“Those have been there for as long as I can remember, even when I was a little girl,” my nina remarked to me when I pointed them out. “And over there is the mesquite tree that we used to sit under when we ate lunch during our break from cleaning the graves.”

Looking back 48 hours or so, I can only smirk at how odd a person I’ve become. Mundane moments to everyone around me can turn out to be powerfully instructive memories to my very identity and worthy mile-markers on my path to reconnecting to mis raíces. Resting now in the tierra, surrounded by nature in its various forms, are keys to the door that I keep trying to unlock.

I’m sure part of it will be answering the question that my parents and nina threw out to no one in particular that day: “Who’s gonna clean our graves when we pass?”

…and I find that a shovel and rake are already in my willing hands.

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Posted by on October 30, 2007 in Cultura, Una Identidad Sin Fronteras


Fundraising for a BlogDiva

Blog amiga Liza Sabater is in need of some financial help to get her blogging headquarters back up and running. She is the mastermind behind culturekitchen, The Daily Gotham, and; any assistance you can provide would be much appreciated. She goes out of her way to make sure that a more diverse set of voices are heard and respected among the greater online community.

I’m pitching in $25.00, will you help?

Liza says:

Life without my computer is just not complete.

Does feeling like this make me a geek?
UPDATE! Help me get Linus to the (Mac) hospital:

Contribution button at this link

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Posted by on October 30, 2007 in Meta


Día de los Muertos Pilgrimage


Día de los Muertos Pilgrimage

Please join us this Saturday as we honor the 237 individuals whose bodies were recovered on the Arizona-Sonora border this past year.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

From St. John’s Church
(12th Avenue and Ajo Way)
San Xavier Mission
Tucson, Arizona

Sponsored by Coalición de Derechos Humanos

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Posted by on October 30, 2007 in Accidental Activism, Derechos Humanos


Monday "Morning" Eegeehood Tour

[Updated below with more links and a Bud cameo – M.E.]

Hey there kids! It’s that time of year again, and in a twist of fate, just a wee bit later than that time of week again. Hop in the van, grab some candy, a flashlight, and let’s do some trick-or-treating!

The lights are still on over at boran2’s place. If we’re real nice, he’ll even let us take a peek at the progress of his latest painting. He also reports that Nancy Pelosi has been voted off the island of Left Blogistan. And there was much rejoicing…

Moving along…if the lights are off at catnip’s crib, that’s only because of some problems connecting to the internet tubes. Not to worry though, as she’s left some nourishing food for thought on the front porch for any trick-or-treater who might come by.

Since we’re already in the neighborhood, let’s swing by the two cribs I’m renting. I usually feel bad when I can’t afford goodies for Halloween, so this year I’ve saved my pennies and made sure that there are plenty of goodies for one and all. I even greet trick-or-treaters with my Guy Fawkes mask over at Mahatma X Files. As usual, you’ll be filling up on lots of cynical commentary, lessons on research methodology in the service of human rights and dignity, and even some chili peppers that are hotter than habaneros. I kid you not! And of course I do apologies for those pests in my house who insist on flying around on only right wings. I’m not sure if it’s the lack of a hard freeze this fall or the recent full moon. If you’re up to it, bring some RAID and some fly swatters when entering mi humble casa.

Okay, over at the jazz joint, grab some music to nourish your minds, bodies, and souls. Coleman Hawkins is Wrapped Tight, Wendell Harrison and the Tribe serve up an Evening with the Devil, you can also hear some Echoes of a Prayer over in Grachan Moncur III’s corner, and Franklin Kiermyer’s been channeling the spirit of Trane In The House of My Fathers.

Not only can you find veritable feast of food for thought at Nezua’s crib, but you can even vote on a tagline.

Smartypants has her own tour gig going on, so by all means see what’s happening in some cribs outside of our particular ‘hood. She’ll also treat you to an on-going narrative on the peoples of the Andean First Nations.

Amidst the disappointing news about the DREAM Act, Citizen Orange finds hope among the younger activists.

In the mood for some mystery? Nanette’s managed to solve one that I’d never even heard of. Now, you too, can learn who or what Dondi is.

Okay, that’s our tour for now. The van is running low on fuel and we need to make sure that I can get us all back safely before we get stranded. Peace and love, y’all.

[UPDATE by Man Eegee] Believe it or not, I am alive! Midweek curveball from work last week kept me away from the web. Here are a few more things that I recommend checking out:

The crew over at Amnesty International’s Aliados blog alerts us to the ongoing horror flick series that involves torture and legislative apathy towards it. Oh wait, that’s real life. Time to get cracking on changing it! More info at the link.

Liza over at Culture Kitchen opines about that unspoken thing that strikes fear in the heart of nativists from sea to shining sea: minorities with money. Also, any post that includes the word ‘negritude’ deserves to be linked up. Check out the videos, too!

The dead are walking the streets in El Ciudad de San Francisco (and carrying signs while they’re at it). And don’t tell Bud, but janinsanfran is sharing some gato goodness with an important message about pet adoptions.

Liberal Street Fighter is back online with Madman In The Marketplace committing a rant on America™’s infatuation with a Hallmark-card reality bubble while the rest of us end up flooded or burned. Literally.

Duke is in top form as he calls out Lou Dobbs Democrats for blindly following the forked-tongue propagandist. Also, time to break out the marketing blue ribbon, he’s coined a new phrase: Tancrazy.

XP strolled into some mal aire last week and caught the flu (hope you’re feeling better ‘mano!), but no flu bug could stop him from outlining the fallout of shattered D.R.E.A.M.S. Marisa over at Latina Lista also gave voice to the frustration and slap in the face offered to students who only want a shot at a higher education.

Taking a break from the political, Family Man offers a way to give your ears a slacking session: don’t listen to the car radio. And olivia is either getting way into the Halloween spirit this year, or found her prince. Talk about multi-tasking, she even managed to get in some bird yoga. And speaking of exercise, katiebird continues her daily vigilance over at Eat4Today, while taking time to remember the victims of the California wildfires.

Happy Trick-or-Treating! Watch out for the basset hound disguised as a Drool Monster.

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Posted by on October 29, 2007 in Eegeehood, Friday Bud Blogging


Senate takes up DREAM Act

According to the Congressional Quarterly, a spokeswomen for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced today that the Dream Act will be taken up following Tuesday’s expected final vote on the 2008 Labor-HHS-Education appropriations bill (HR 3043).

Beyond the spending bill, it is unclear what legislation will round out next week’s floor schedule. The chamber could take up an immigration bill related to children (S 774), said Regan Lachapelle, a Reid spokeswoman.

Sponsored by Richard J. Durbin, D-Ill., the bill would allow children of illegal immigrants who entered the United States before age 16 and lived here at least five years to gain conditional legal status. Under the bill, they could attain eventual citizenship if they attend college or enlist in the military for at least two years.

Congressional Quarterly

Ried, invoking Senate Rule XIV, has fast tracked the stand-alone bill, now numbered S.2205, which having languished in the Senate in one form or another for more than seven years, could finally be taken up as early as Tuesday or Wednesday.

Needless to say this news has received an apoplectic response from the ranks of the nativist wingnut agitators. They will undoubtedly try to rally their minion of flying monkeys to flood the offices of every Senator in Washington over the next few days. Numbers USA and FAIR already have screaming headlines up their sites to exhort their followers to action.

To counter this effort, an even more overwhelming response must be initiated on behalf of the thousand of children whose only hope at achieving the American dream rests on the passage of this bill.

Each year approximately 2.8 million students graduate from US High Schools. Some will go on to college, join the military, or take other paths in life, hopefully all becoming productive members of society. But for approximately 65,000 of them, these opportunities will never be available. Not because they lack motivation, or achievement, but because of the undocumented status passed on to them by their parents.

Lacking legal status and social security numbers, these students, raised and schooled in the US, cannot apply to college, get jobs other than those at the bottom of the economic ladder, or otherwise follow their dreams. They grew up on American soil, worked hard and succeeded in spite of all odds, and want nothing more than to be recognized as individuals and not just the holders of a status they had no part in acquiring.

In Washington, politicians have debated the fate of these kids for more than seven years, holding lives and futures in their hands while vying for political advantage.

For these kids, and the thousand more who have already managed, through sheer force of will, to complete their higher education but now face a life of uncertainty and alienation, the DREAM Act is the only answer. Please call your Senators starting first thing Tuesday morning.

Here’s a list of the most needed votes to make DREAM a reality.

This list of 19 fence sitters hold the hopes and dreams of thousands of hardworking, conscientious , kids in their hands. Kids who’ve done all that was asked of them, and now only want an opportunity to be the Americans they have always regarded themselves as.

-DUKE’S HOT 19 –

Murkowski (R-AK) 202-244-6665
Stevens (R-AK) 202224-3004
Pryor (D-AR) 202-224-2353
Martinez (R-FL) 202-224-3041
Inouye (D-HI) 202-224-3934
Brownback (R-KS) 202-224-6521
Landieu (D-LA) 202-224-5824
Collins (R-ME) 202-224-2523
Snowe (R-ME) 202-224-5344
Conrad (D-ND) 202-224-2043
Dorgan (D-ND) 202-224-2551
Dominici (R-NM) 202-224-6621
Voinovich (R-OH) 202-224-3353
Smith (R-OR) 202-224-3753
Graham (R-SC) 202-224-5972
Johnson (D-SD) 202-224-5842
Cornyn (R-TX) 202-224-2934
Warner(R-VA) 202-224-2023
Rockefeller (D-VA) 202-224-6472

At seven pages long, the DREAM Act has a few simple provisions that would allow thousands of kids who’ve worked hard and played by the rules to qualify for the exact same rights afforded every student in the nation. … the right to continue their educations and make a better life for themselves and there families.

Wingers call the legislation “just one more shamnsty” bill, because it allows those who have lived here most of there lives, and know no other home, a conditional reprieve from arrest and deportation. It allows them a chance to temporarily shrug off the yoke of their parents “misdeeds” and provides them an opportunity to prove themselves “worthy” of their adopted home.

The DREAM Act would provide a path to legality for persons brought illegally to the United States by their parents as children, or whose parents attempted to immigrate legally but were then denied legality.

To qualify, the immigrant student would have to meet certain requirements:

  • Proof of having arrived in the United States before reaching 16 years of age;
  • Proof of residence in the United States for a least five (5) consecutive years since their date of arrival.
  • Having graduated from an American High School, or obtained a GED.
  • “Good moral character,” essentially defined as the absence of a significant criminal record (or any drug charges whatsoever).
  • Had not yet reached the age of 30 years on the date of enactment of this Act

After meeting the above requirements students would be eligible to apply for a temporary six year “conditional” residence permit which would allow them to live legally in the United States, obtain driver’s licenses, attend college as in-state residents, work legally (including obtaining a social security number), and apply for special travel documents which would allow for travel outside of the country for limited amounts of time.

During the six years of conditional status, the eligible immigrant would be required to either:

  1. graduate from a two-year community college,
  2. Complete at least two years towards a 4-year degree, or
  3. serve two years in the U.S. military.

After the six year period, an immigrant who meets at least one of these three conditions would be eligible to apply for legal permanent resident (green card) status. During their temporary time, immigrants would not be eligible for federal higher education grants such as Pell grants, though they would be able to apply for student loans and work study.

If the immigrant does not meet the educational or military service requirement within the six year time period, their temporary residence would be revoked and he or she would be subject to deportation.

During the six years, the immigrant must not commit any crimes other than those considered non-drug related misdemeanors, regardless of whether or not they have already been approved for permanent status at the end of their six years.

Being convicted of a major crime or drug-related infraction would automatically remove the six year temporary residence status and he or she would be subject to deportation.

If the immigrant meets all of the conditions at the end of the 6-year conditional period, he or she would be granted a permanent green card with the same rights as a permanent resident alien, including the right to apply for U.S. citizenship.

It’s a simple enough bill. No hundreds of pages of legal-speak and loopholes like most immigration related legislation.

The qualifications are simple and cut and dry, The “benefits” and obligations easily understood. You can read a copy here to see for yourself.

Wingers are already gearing up to fight this bill. Their spin machine of obfuscating rhetoric is ready to go. Numbers USA has already sent out hundreds of thousands of action alerts to oppose the legislation. Michele Malkin, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Relly and Lou Dobbs are already spreading their foul bile and propaganda.

But there’s not much to debate here.

One either sees these children raised and schooled in America as future Americans …or sees them as nothing more than the products of their parents “misdeeds” who must be punished the rest of their lives as such.

Call your Senators Now (call between 9am and 5 pm)

Or e-mail your Senator

Better yet, Fax you Senator now

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Posted by on October 23, 2007 in DREAM Act


The New Iron Curtain

Hidalgo‘s Legacy?

Sometimes a picture is enough

more on my trip to Nogales later…
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Posted by on October 22, 2007 in border policy


The Sunday/Monday Eegeehood Tour

Hi all. This is your friendly neighborhood tour guide, James (currently filling in for Nanette), ready to share with any and all visitors the ‘haps in the ‘hood. We’ll stop by my pads first this time around.

Over at the jazz joint (Nothing Is), there’s some new music up for grabs, including some Flaming Drums (not literally – my place is not up to code for pyrotechnics – but rather a great early 1960s afro-jazz session led by the late Babatunde Olatunji), and a re-up of a classic Frank Wright album (Kevin, My Dear Son).

Now on to The Mahatma X Files, where we’ve been dealing with a few annoying pests in the comments (you know, the kind who fly around only on right-wings), so slap on some repellent and step right in. First, there’s a friendly reminder that there is nothing to fear when it comes to trick-or-treating (other than the dental bill from too much candy consumption). Also, there’s an extended essay on eugenicists, racism, and Jim Watson. How do they tie together? Read and find out.

You know of course that Bud is back protecting Manny’s front yard. Just give him some treats and he’ll know you’re cool. Also, did you know that the US is building a Great Wall of China?

Our newest Eegeehood tenant, Citizen Orange, has a good one up on dissent and deportation.

Smartypants is serving some Blessed Unrest, and once you’re done with this tour, why not check out her own tour bus?

More to come – probably sometime on Monday.

Now it’s Monday – if we’re done with our coffee break, let’s get back to the tour.

There are a few artists’ lofts in the hood, as we all know. Boran2, for instance, is working on brand new painting as we speak – this time on 8″x10″ canvas. Once more, we will be treated to The Grand Canyon. Stay tuned…

What’s going on over at Olivia’s photography studio? If you take a peak, you’ll see a photo of a Grey Heron, among other scenes – both in nature and on the ice (as in ice hockey – ’tis the season).

On a more serious note, the age of the “sundown towns” is not all that far behind us. One could argue that in fact it never really went away, and is if anything are coming back with a vengeance in the wake of all the anti-immigrant hysteria. Migra Matters has the scoop.

Xicanopwr has a tale of two Aztláns – the original version meant to unite and inspire, and the right-wing version intended to spread division and hatred.

On a somewhat related note, Doc Logan over at Human Beams takes his readers on a journey to a land that time forgot.

Intrepid Liberal Journal has an interview with journalist and Iran expert Barbara Slavin.

Katiebird asks what are you going to do today?

That’s all for now folks. Until next time, peace and love y’all.

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Posted by on October 22, 2007 in Eegeehood


Steely Irony Made In China

It’s difficult to decide whether I should roll my eyes and shake my head or point and laugh.

WASHINGTON – Members of Congress’ steel caucus say they were alarmed to learn that pipes made in China have been used in the construction of the U.S.-Mexico border fence.

Republican Representative Phil English of Pennsylvania says he found out about it when he was given a photo apparently taken in San Luis, Arizona that shows black piping used as a fence post with ”China” written on it in white letters.


So let’s see where this leaves us:

  • Pesky bloggers point out the idiocy of building such a structure by referring to it constantly as the Great Wall of America™ to show its similarity to the Great Wall of China.
  • Congress authorizes funds in a bipartisan manner to build said wall, even though it has been proven that it increases the number of border-crosser deaths.
  • Burial sites of indigenous ancestors are dug up to make way for it despite protests of direct descendants and supporters.
  • Portions of the wall end up being constructed incorrectly on the Mexican side of the land.
  • Environmental protections are given the shaft by the Department of Homeland Security
  • Photographic evidence proves that it’s the Great Wall of China, after all.

¡Ay! Dios mio.

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Posted by on October 19, 2007 in border policy


Friday Bud Blogging

Contrary to popular belief,
begging works
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Posted by on October 19, 2007 in Friday Bud Blogging


Mannequins for McCain

Undisclosed sources have reported that late this afternoon, while singing his daily-shower rendition of the 2007 NeoCon Hit Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran, GOP Presidential Contender John McCain of Arizona was suddenly overcome by a nuclear reaction of an idea for the solution to winning the Global War on Terror™.

Speaking to reporters at a hastily-called press conference in South Carolina where the Senator was campaigning for the day, McCain excitedly explained, “Mannequins! I know it sounds crazy, but what better way to ensure our country’s freedom and security than to send battalions of armor-reinforced mannequin troops to battle without having to worry about defeatist liberals forcing a military redeployment out of Iraq? There would be no more fatalities or casualties among of our brave service men and women for the Democrat Party to cry their crocodile tears over.”

“In my home state of Arizona, we’ve flawlessly worked to bring our military capabilities forward to the 21st century by mastering the use of unmanned drones. The aircraft currently deployed along the U.S./Mexico border are not equipped with missiles, but with just a slight modification, these beauties would be perfect vehicles for our polyurethane patriots.”

Crediting his brainstorm to an incident earlier in the day at the South Carolina Upstate nursing school, Senator McCain apologized to Senator Hillary Clinton for remarks he made while touring their facility.

“I was very glad to meet the dummy, named ‘Hillary,'” McCain said to laughter after a tour of the school. “Is that the name?” – linkage

The maverick Senator, never afraid to speak his mind, later joked, “Who knew that it would take a lot of dummies to lead my campaign out of single digits?”

Crossposted at Daily Kos

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Posted by on October 18, 2007 in 2008 Election, John McCain, Satire