Category Archives: Media

MSNBC Goes from Bad To Worse

Ladies and Gentlemen:

MSNBC proudly presents the dawning of a new age of television where all your darkest thoughts that society unfairly forces you to stow away faster than an inconvenient mixed-race child can be allowed to return to the public square, welcomed like a prodigal son.

Let the fear you have from all defenders of nappy-headed hos be dissipated with the veracity you’ve come to expect from the forked tongues of our eternally-powerful hydra.

My moon-tanned brethren, I give you the replacement of Dom Imus in the Morning:

Michael “Lord Vader” Smerconish

Some of his past hits include:

The Pyramids of Abu Ghraib
What a Bunch of Sissies*, and
I Never Met a Muslim I Didn’t Deride

Media Matters has more. Much more.

* He really means “What a bunch of Pussies” but he can’t say that
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Posted by on April 20, 2007 in Media, race and racism


Action Alert: Cesar Chavez Day, Marketplace Research, FOX Attacks

Here are three opportunities to become an Accidental Activist.

The first is from our friends at United Farm Workers

Help Win a National Holiday for Cesar E. Chavez!

Join the grassroots movement to make Cesar’s March 31st birthday a national holiday.

Thank you for signing the petition for a National Cesar Chavez Holiday. Thousands of people have signed our online petition.

Please help us take this campaign to the next level.

  • Tell-A-Friend: Please help make the Cesar E. Chavez national holiday a reality. Forward this message to at least 10 friends or family and ask them to sign the petition today.

  • Download the Petition and Get Signatures: Many of you will be attending events celebrating the life of Cesar Chavez. Please help us spread the word by download the petition and circulating it at Chavez day events, work, school, your house of worship and any other location you can think of.
    Please return signed petitions to: UFW, C/O Chavez Holiday Petition,2550 N Hollywood Way, Su. 400, Burbank, CA, 91505

The second is another outreach effort by American Public Media’s radio show Marketplace.

What was the impact of President Bush’s Americas trip?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on how Marketplace can cover Latino issues in greater depth. We could use your help again as we try to understand the impact of President Bush’s six-day trip to Latin America.

The president focused on trade agreements and immigration issues, though protesters and a rival Latin American tour by Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez stole some of the spotlight.

Was this all political theater? Or do you expect Bush’s trip to affect your life or the lives of other Latinos in the U.S.? What do you expect to happen as a result of the trip? Share your insights with us.

The trip highlighted some tensions between the U.S. and its neighbors to the south. Bush and Chavez’s dueling tours underscored their ongoing tug-of-war for influence in the region.

And in Mexico today, president Felipe Calderon pressed Bush for U.S. action on comprehensive immigration reform focused on creating jobs, not a fence. (Here’s the text of Bush and Calderon’s arrival ceremony speeches.)

What do you make of the Bush visit, and what it means for relations between the U.S. and Latin America?

This is the second time the staff of American Public Media has reached out to the Latino Blogosphere. Many thanks to them for engaging with our communities.

Last, but not least, there is an online campaign underway that is highlighting the ways Faux News is targeting the black community. Based out of the website: FOX ATTACKS, they are wondering if there is similar interest for their intrepid muckrakers to study the ways that MSM Propaganda Organ is directly targeting Latinos (and they are).

Drop them a note expressing your support. Here is one of the videos already put together, in conjunction with

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Posted by on March 14, 2007 in Accidental Activism, Cultura, Media


Calling All Latinos: NPR Seeking Input

First, I’d like to thank staffmember “J” from National Public Radio American Public Media for following up with me on a previous request to post this information. I dropped the ball on it, and for that, lo siento mucho!

APM’s regular show Marketplace is seeking insight from the Hispanic/Latino community on better ways to service the unique needs of our people with respect to the economy. Here is the link to their online survey.

As a regular listener of National Public Radio, I am glad to see their efforts to diversify the information they provide to listeners. A big part of good business is evaluation, and this is the perfect opportunity for us to let them know 1) how they’re doing so far and 2) what we’d like to see them focus on in the future. I recommend checking out the Hispanic Trending blog for an example of the ways our voice is/isn’t reflected in the consumer world.

Marisa, over at Latina Lista, posted a similar query in December to her readers. Hopefully the people over at Marketplace will continue to hear valuable feedback.

Here’s the link to the survey again, in case you missed it.


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Posted by on February 9, 2007 in Media